Our IVF Journey Part 3


In honor of Mya’s first birthday, I thought I would close our IVF journey by sharing her birth story.

Due to my age and IVF, both my OB and Maternal Fetal Medicine doc as well as my IVF doc agreed they did not want me to go past 39 weeks. So my induction date was set for May 7th at 6am. Of course I couldn’t sleep the night before (my last night of good sleep and I blew it!), so I got up at 3am and walked on the treadmill hoping to jumpstart labor myself. Nothing though.

Once we got to the hospital and settled in, my Mom arrived shortly after. The nurse began my Petocin through an IV and within a couple of hours I started to feel crampy which lasted until around Noon when my OB broke my water. Lookout! That’s when my labor really began. Hats off to any women who has gone through natural childbirth because by 3pm I was BEGGING for an epidural. Unfortunately I was only dilated to 2cm so they wanted to avoid the epidural as it tends to slow labor. I opted for Nubane in my IV to take the edge off which didn’t help much and only lasted an hour. I can definitely say that was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Finally at 6pm they administered an epidural, I was SO happy!

From that point it was a waiting game. My son, Brennan, came to the hospital after school and would pop in to say hi, then hang out in the waiting room with my other family members. He refused to leave because he worried about me, aw love him.

If you follow me, you know I have a phobia of vomiting as I have never really experienced it before.  That was what I was most worried about throughout this entire experience. And around 10pm, I started to feel REALLY nauseous. The nurse told me that throwing up can be a sign that you body is getting ready to deliver. I had some dry heaves, cold sweats, and the nurses had to adjust me a couple times because the baby’s heart rate was dropping slightly. It was time to deliver!

Delivery was grueling as I was so exhausted and had trouble getting her out. I was literally falling asleep in between contracions. My OB ended up using a vaccum to get her out, otherwise we could have been considering a possible C-section if I couldn’t get her out.

Mya was born at 12:03AM on May 8th, 3 minutes short of a May 7th birthday!

And what a year crazy year it has been! In fact, I am typing this blog while “Itsy Bitsy Spider” is blaring in my ears next to me in order to keep Mya occupied! It has been a year filled with so many challenges and joys, but we have loved and appreciated every single moment.