The number one reason why people don’t workout or eat well is because they say they don’t have time.
In this day and age, with all the hustle and bustle of juggling jobs, family, and other activities it is important to work smarter and not harder to get the job done. There are things you can implement right away to make sure you keep your health and fitness a priority.
- Get your life organized. This could be an entire blog in itself. Take control of your life and get organized but scheduling your time and making a to do list. You are usually much more efficient when you go to the grocery store with a list correct? If not, you are roaming the aisles and wasting time. Your life is the exact same way.
- Stay on task. If you said you were going to workout, then go workout. Don’t allow mundane or impromptu things to interrupt your schedule. Honor your commitment to healthy eating and exercise just as you would an appointment with a friend or doctor. If you planned to workout at a certain time, make sure it gets done.
- Remove distractions from your day. If you find you are having trouble staying on track with your exercise and eating plan for the day, take a look at the distractions near you. Perhaps it is your Facebook page or the couch calling your name. Turn your text ringer off, headphones on, and go workout as you had planned. Facebook will be there after.
- Set your priorities. You are going to workout at Noon today? Well guess what? The school called and your kid is sick. So you will workout at 5pm. But 5pm rolls around and you have to run to the grocery store to get a last minute ingredient for dinner. Then you forget about a deadline you have at work tomorrow. Just remember you have the ability to prioritize. During the day, you’re constantly making choices about where to put your attention. You plan in advance, no matter what. Don’t pick a time where there can end up being conflict. And when conflict arises rearrange your schedule according to your priorities.