This Is Awkward

Awkward Turtle

I found out what that meant in college. It’s the mascot of an awkward moment! The actual sign is placing one hand over the other and waving your thumbs back and forth like your hands (the turtle) are swimming backward

What kind of awkward moments have you experienced in your life? And why more importantly did you feel it was awkward? Maybe this may trigger some experiences:

“Congratulations, when are you due?”

-Um, I’m not pregnant

“I love you”

-Thank you….


Sometimes, any conversations that also develop potential conflict can be awkward (or sometimes no conversation at all), and that’s typically because people have different opinions on the same subject. Conflict is one aspect of life we all face and need to learn to deal with. When conflict arises, acknowledge, appreciate, and let it go! Sometimes we respond to an awkward situation with avoidance or competition, when really we should focus on compromise or collaboration. Remember, we are all here to be better. We never stop learning. And we learn best through our own experiences and others.

Each time you don’t face an awkward situation or conversation it worsens. Don’t lose light of the goal…growth. Personal development. Being better.