Holiday Survival Guide

screen-shot-2016-10-30-at-9-58-44-pmThat’s right, it’s never too early to prepare for the holidays! Halloween marks the beginning of holiday temptations and the holiday season is the hardest time of year to keep your health and fitness in check.

We are constantly surrounded by holiday parties, buffets and delicious treats.  

If you have fallen off track in the past. start thinking about how you can be proactive as we move into holiday season.

I always tell my clients that cutting out every single treat cold turkey isn’t healthy either. The key is moderation if you want to live a healthy, happy and BALANCED life.

There is nothing wrong with treating yourself, but when you begin to indulge on a regular basis, that moderation turns into a binge habit, and that becomes a problem.

Here are four tips to help you get through the holiday season using moderation:

  1.   Fill Up On The Good Stuff First : If you plan on attending a gathering that is going to have unhealthy options, don’t put yourself in a situation where you don’t eat all day so you can go crazy at the party. That leads to starvation and overeating, neither of which are healthy for your body. Instead, eat clean and light throughout the day and make sure you have a healthy snack before leaving. My go to is this Protein Shake so I know I’m filling up on tons of vitamins and nutrients to give my body the good stuff before I may make some unhealthy choices (you can read more about it HERE ).
  1. Portion Control Is Key: One trick to prevent yourself from overeating too many treats- use a small appetizer plate rather than a large plate at parties. And decide before hand that you are only going to fill that plate once.
  1. Water Is Your Friend: Get in the habit of drinking TONS of water, especially throughout the day before your party. Water helps you feel full and pushes those yucky toxins out of the body. If you are drinking alcohol at a party, make sure you alternate it with a glass of water. Water is the best thing you can give your body.
  1.  Sweat Before You Leave:  Make sure you exercise almost daily, but definitely the day of your gathering. Exercise makes you feel good, which means you will feel better in your outfit, and you will be less likely to overeat because you don’t want to undo the hard workout you did. Remember, one good habit will lead to another!

Remember we are in this together! If you need support, accountability, and motivation, email me at