So you want to get fit? Who doesn’t! But sometimes it’s hard to know where to start! It’s so overwhelming, and the end result seems so far away that the road to get there is nearly impossible. So we give up before we even start. It doesn’t need to be this way. Fitness should be …
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Do you put off your workouts?
So we are a two month in with our New Year’s Resolutions, specifically our fitness resolutions. How’s that working out for ya? For me, some days my workouts are a no brainer and I actually get excited about it. Other days, I dread having to get it done. Even though I know my workouts …
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It’s all about moderation
I grew up in a typical Italian household. We were taught that we had to eat what was on our plate. Our portions were huge. We expressed our love through food, planed family gatherings around food, and ate TONS of pasta. So I never really had a concept of moderation, and I learned to LOVE …
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