It’s pretty scary to apply for your first instructor job if you are new to teaching! I remember my first audition, it was a disaster! To be honest, I wasn’t selected. Here are some tips I learned along the way: Be HYPER prepared: Make sure you are able to teach an entire class confidently before …
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The number one reason why people don’t workout or eat well is because they say they don’t have time. In this day and age, with all the hustle and bustle of juggling jobs, family, and other activities it is important to work smarter and not harder to get the job done. There are things you …
My APD Journey
One of my dear friends and amazing mentor, Christine Dwyer, recently posted this picture on Facebook. It made me realize how far I have come in my fitness career and my own personal journey over the last several years. I‘ll share the short version with you! After I had my son in 2002, I was …
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Love All Of It!
When starting your fitness journey it is so easy to caught up in fear. When we haven’t followed a program before, we don’t know if it will work or even if we can commit. So we begin to doubt, and self doubt leads to fear, and fear leads to failure. There is NOTHING wrong with …
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One Word
What one word describes you best? It’s so difficult to come up with, but here are some questions to help you think about it (from Keira’s THE REAL YOU). What does being real mean to you? What could you do to be truer, genuine, and authentic? Are you real? In your everyday life, at work, …
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What holds you back from doing something you have always wanted to do? It’s your fear. And that fear is yours, not anyone else’s. Why and how does fear holds us back from achieving the results we want? We all fear something, someone, and it holds us back from achieving what we want in life. …
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