Do you put off your workouts?



So we are a two month in with our New Year’s Resolutions, specifically our fitness resolutions. How’s that working out for ya? For me, some days my workouts are a no brainer and I actually get excited about it. Other days, I dread having to get it done. Even though I know my workouts are non-negotiable, why is it that when it’s time to workout my DVR episodes of the Kardashians suddenly become more important, along with organizing my closet or even cleaning?!

We need to learn to recognize this and help nip it in the bud before we start to create the habit of skipping workouts. It’s important to make exercise a permanent part of your lifestyle and it shouldn’t feel like punishment or a chore. Part of this process is trying to figure out why we are putting this workout off in the first place. Is it because it’s going to be challenging? Because it’s not enjoyable? Or because we don’t want to mess up our hair? Digging a little deeper to figure out why we are avoiding our workouts may help resolve the issue.

So the next time you don’t feel like working out, here are some tips to hopefully help yourself a kick in the booty and get it done:

  1. Have a mental conversation with yourself. Mine usually go something like this:

    Angie, Cmon…. You know that you’re not going to skip this work out no matter how long you put it off. It’ll just frustrate you more in the end, because you will have wished that you got it done sooner. So suck it up cupcake, you know you will feel so much better once it’s done. You always do!

  2. Find your WHY. Your reason for exercise and clean eating has to be bigger than just “because you have to”. Find out why you want to workout and become healthier….. to lose weight, because you lost your parents due to heart disease, because you want to be able to keep up with your kids? Whatever it may be, remind yourself of that or create a vision boars that you keep near your workout clothes or gym area.
  3. Use a fitness mantra. You need to find that power and strength within because at the end of the day, nothing or no one is stopping you but you. Find a mantra that fits your WHY and repeat it to yourself over and over prior to your workout. Maybe your mantra is “I will get this workout done because I want to be stronger and healthier for my kids”, or “I will go to this Boot Camp class because…..
  4. Remember It’s not just about you! As we just celebrated the Valentine’s Day this month we know that it’s a time focused on being with our loved ones. Whether it’s a partner, our children, BFF’s or co-workers who are like family, we need to stop being selfish and focus on the people who we love and who love us. And being healthier means a longer, happier life with our friends and family.