How To Be The Best Version Of You



We all have good days and bad days. Ups and down. Strengths and weaknesses (I like to refer to them as “challenges”).  So how do we focus on improving the good and decreasing the bad? Obviously some things that happen in our lives are out of our control. But what we can control is how we react to things and how we take action. And those things make up a part of who we are. Whether we realize it or not, people are always watching and we are always setting an example to our friends and family by the way we react to certain situations. If we can react and respond in a positive way, that will actually make our lives less stressful and WOW does that also inspire others to do the same!

Here’s how you can share the very best version of  you with others:

  1. The next time you face a struggle, ask yourself how you SHOULD respond (not how you want to).
  1. If you are able to, react in a positive manner. You will be surprised how quickly it changes your perspective on the situation.
  1. Invest in personal development books to arm yourself with positivity. Sometimes you have to train your brain as much as your body.

“Share the best of you!”

By sharing the best version of you, it can be so inspiring to others. You will be surprised how much inspiring another person can impact YOUR life without even knowing it! 

As a part of my team, we challenge ourselves to read one personal development book per month. If you are interested in being a part of this team or need suggestions on what to read for personal development please contact me!